The NEXT generation Crippy! Finally I can offer fully developed seed with no defects. This is the plant I called White Diamonds popcorn FL Crippy, and this is the TRUE phenotype of the line, except shorter and faster flowering time. This seed is literally not much different from S1 I tried 2 years ago and that's how I know. It's better and improved than original line. Has less Mg crinkling. Not a hint of rouge nanners either. A lot of kush coloring as it finishes, you may want to be really light on trim for snazzy bag appeal here. Gassy pine musk mix, some plants will get astringent odors close to ammonia. It's Crippy, prepare to have your lungs blown apart by the expansive nature, with the creeper effect it keeps building and lasting. Sometimes I have had to stop 1/2 way and say enough for now, I'm good for awhile. This isn't the flowers to underestimate, because over doing it will carry a price to pay. This one is a STEP above TC, so that's where Sigma name comes in. Seed is LIMITED until I do several cuts, which I'm planning MORE.